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CSS MenuMaker

Department Profile |

  • Pharmacology is the science concerned with all aspects of the action of drugs and other chemicals on living systems. Its primary aim is the discovery of chemical mechanisms by which cellular and molecular functions are regulated for the purpose of understanding how existing drugs act and to develop new drugs for treatment and diagnosis of human diseasese broad scope of interests of pharmacology ranges from the study of intermolecular reactions of chemical constituents of cells with drugs to the effectsof drugs and established therapeutic agents on mammalian physiological organ systems.

  • Professional pharmacologists tend toward careers in basic research and teaching in academics, in conducting innovative research in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry or for government laboratories and in ensuring the safety of drugs and chemicals through work at government agencies.

  • Contact Info

    Mr.Dabal Kumar Satapathy(HOD)
    Assistant Professor
    Phone : 08818-284558
    Fax : 08818-284322
    Email : svipscollege@yahoo.com